
Iberchem Group To Expand Activity In Africa With The Creation Of Iberchem South Africa

Scentium Headquarters_ Alhama de Murcia Spain
  • Scentium Flavours
  • 5 August, 2020
  • Categories: Corporate

The Iberchem Group today announced it will expand its presence on the South African market by bringing together the teams of Iberchem, Scentium and Versachem under the name of Iberchem South Africa. The announcement comes two years after the Group acquired 70% of Versachem, a company specialising in food colourants and seasonings. The Group recently bought the remaining 30%, thereby fully integrating Versachem’s activity into the Group’s portfolio. All three divisions will be temporarily accommodated in Versachem’s current offices in Pretoria, north of Johannesburg, until a new location can be found.

“Since the Iberchem Group first set foot in South Africa in the early 2000s, our activity has been growing steadily,” said Ramón Fernández, CEO of Iberchem Group. “The moment had come to establish ourselves permanently on the market to improve our customers’ experience even more. Proximity is a key element in our service offer. We strive to be as close as possible to our clients, which means they benefit from more agility when developing their product and from faster delivery times.”

Iberchem South Africa will be managed by Mr. Quentin Questiaux, who joined the company in May. Mr. Questiaux is well known on the African market, with a proven track record in the flavour and fragrance industry. In the coming months, Iberchem South Africa will also gradually welcome new members to both Iberchem and Scentium.

“When it comes to flavours and fragrances, South Africa is a vibrant market that has always been at the forefront of trends,” said Mr.Questiaux. “This is why we are building a team that is both dynamic and qualified in order to fulfil the country’s standards. Leveraging what has already been accomplished on the market, I’m highly enthusiastic and optimistic about the future of this new branch.”

"Actuaciones destinadas al fomento de la eficiencia energética y el uso de energías renovables cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y la Región de Murcia:
Auditoría energética determinando el potencial de ahorro energético y evaluando las oportunidades de reducción de la cantidad de energía consumida.
Renovación de equipos de iluminación y climatización por equipos con mayor eficiencia energética consiguiendo la reducción de las emisiones de CO2 emitidas a la atmósfera.

Objetivos de la actuación “INSTALACIÓN FOTOVOLTAICA PARA AUTOCONSUMO”: Conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible. Avanzar en la evaluación y mejora de la eficiencia energética de las empresas, en particular las PYME. Fomento del uso de energías renovables por las empresas, en particular las PYME.
Resultados de la actuación “INSTALACIÓN FOTOVOLTAICA PARA AUTOCONSUMO”: Ahorro energético anual (10,47 tep/año). Capacidad de producción de energía (capacidad de la planta 109,02kWp, producción anual de 160,70MWh). Ahorro de emisiones de GEI anual (68,718 toneladas equivalentes CO2/año).
Estado de la tramitación “INSTALACIÓN FOTOVOLTAICA PARA AUTOCONSUMO”: Concedida. Inversión total realizada (75.387,23€). Apoyo financiero de la Unión (subvención obtenida, 24.933,03€). Subvención cofinanciado por FEDER 80%, y la Región de Murcia 20%."